5 Ways Understaffing in Nursing Homes Increases Resident Abuse and Neglect

Understaffing in nursing homes is a critical issue that often goes unnoticed until it causes injuries to patients. When families place their elders in these homes, they expect compassionate and attentive care. However, when nursing homes fail to maintain adequate staffing levels, the quality of care can significantly deteriorate and harm the people entrusted to their care.

5 Ways Understaffing in Nursing Homes Increases Resident Abuse and Neglect

Neglect and abuse in nursing homes is one of the most severe and widespread effects of understaffing. When there are too few staff members to handle responsibilities adequately, those remaining can become overwhelmed and overextended, leading them to compromise care standards and neglect necessary duties.

The following are five ways understaffing in nursing homes increases resident abuse and neglect:

1.   Inadequate Supervision

One of the most immediate impacts of understaffing in nursing homes is the lack of adequate supervision. Residents, especially those with mobility or cognitive impairments, require constant monitoring to ensure safety and well-being. When staff levels are insufficient, it’s nearly impossible for the remaining caregivers to observe all residents effectively. This gap in supervision can lead to falls, wandering incidents, and even unaddressed medical emergencies, all of which may be categorized under neglect.

2.   Delayed Response to Resident Needs

Understaffed nursing homes often see significant delays in the response times to resident calls. This not only includes delays in addressing basic needs, such as hygiene and nourishment, but also critical delays in administering medication or responding to health crises. Prolonged response times can escalate manageable health issues into severe complications or emergencies, directly harming residents’ health.

3.   Neglected Personal Care

Personal care is essential for maintaining a resident’s dignity and quality of life. However, with insufficient staffing, the time and attention given to personal care routines, such as bathing, grooming, and dressing, are often drastically reduced. This neglect can lead to severe hygiene issues, skin infections, dental problems, and overall decline in a resident’s physical and mental health.

4.   Social Isolation

Social interaction is critical for the emotional well-being of residents. Understaffing often results in fewer organized activities and less time for staff to interact personally with residents, leading to isolation and neglect. Social isolation exacerbates mental health issues such as depression and anxiety, significantly impacting the resident’s quality of life.

5.   Errors in Medication

With fewer staff members to handle the same or growing numbers of residents, medication errors – such as wrong dosage, wrong medication, or missed doses – are more likely to occur. These mistakes can have dire consequences on the health of residents, particularly those with chronic illnesses who rely heavily on their medication regimes.

Signs Your Loved One is Suffering Due to Abuse or Neglect

Identifying neglect in nursing home residents isn’t always straightforward. Elderly individuals might not recall instances of neglect or may be too frightened to speak up. Moreover, facilities might attempt to hide these issues. This underscores the importance of government investigators and relatives of elderly residents being vigilant and knowledgeable about the indicators of abuse and neglect in nursing homes. Signs to be wary of, especially when understaffing is an issue, include:

  • Limited mobility
  • Poor personal hygiene
  • Emerging psychological issues such as distress, anger, depression, and confusion
  • Symptoms like fatigue, bruising, irritability, complaints of feeling cold, hair loss, and fragile, thin skin
  • Unexplained injuries and the development of bedsores
  • Unsanitary living conditions and poor maintenance of the facility

Residents of nursing homes in California have specific rights. If neglect leads to injury, illness, or death, the affected residents or their families may have the right to pursue legal action against the facility. Each situation is unique, and consulting with an attorney can help determine whether filing a civil claim or lawsuit is appropriate.

Speak With the Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers of Eric Ratinoff Law Corp.

Understaffing in nursing homes is not just a staffing issue – it’s a serious risk to the safety and dignity of our most vulnerable population. If your elderly family member suffered from abuse or neglect in a facility where understaffing is prevalent, you should demand accountability. At Eric Ratinoff Law Corp., our dedicated team of attorneys has focused knowledge on nursing home abuse and neglect cases. We are committed to fighting for the justice and respect they deserve.