
What Is Res Ipsa Loquitur?

California’s civil justice system centers on the legal doctrine of negligence. Negligence, or preventable breach of duty, can cause serious harm to another person. If so, the injured victim can seek compensation for injuries and losses under California’s personal injury laws. Before a court will grant a compensatory award, however, the injured victim (plaintiff) must… read more

How Do I Know If I Have a Punctured Lung From a Car Accident?

A car accident can cause many different traumas to the body. Some of the most common are injuries to the chest and lungs from high-speed impacts with the seat belt or steering column. Trauma to the chest can cause serious lung injuries, including a punctured or collapsed lung. A collapsed lung can cause a medical… read more

How Common Is Nerve Damage From a Burn Injury?

Burn injuries can occur in many different types of accidents, including motor vehicle collisions and workplace accidents. A burn injury impacts the soft tissues and deeper layers of the skin. Depending on the severity of the burn, it can also impact parts of the body beneath the dermis, including the muscles and bones. One of… read more

Should I Post to Social Media About My Car Accident?

Social media is great for keeping in touch with family and friends and staying in-the-know about the latest news. Social media platforms can become a problem, however, during a car accident claim – especially if you post the wrong things. Your social media accounts are fair game for an insurance company or private investigator during… read more

What Are the Top Reasons for Insurance Denials?

You have a 50/50 chance of an insurance company denying your claim. While you can do things to increase your odds, such as collecting evidence from your accident and fully completing all required paperwork, the insurance company can make it difficult to achieve a fair settlement. Insurance companies have many reasons for denying claims –… read more

Should I Give a Recorded Statement to an Insurance Company?

Insurance companies make a profit by minimizing how much they give to clients. They have many tactics they use for avoiding large payouts on clients’ claims. One of these tactics is to ask for a recorded statement in the early stages of your insurance claim. The request for a recorded statement serves one main purpose:… read more

California Sudden Emergency Doctrine

If one driver crashes into another in California, liability may be clear. The driver who broke a roadway rule, failed to yield the right-of-way or negligently caused the collision will be responsible for the wreck. There could be an important exception, however, if the driver uses California’s sudden emergency doctrine. What Is the Sudden Emergency… read more

What Is the Difference Between Ordinary Negligence vs. Gross Negligence?

Negligence is the cornerstone of most personal injury cases in California. It is the legal doctrine that imposes consequences on someone who fails to meet the accepted standards of care, resulting in personal injuries, property damages or wrongful death. If you are part of a personal injury case in California, it is important to learn… read more

California Good Samaritan Law

Being a Good Samaritan describes more than just doing the right thing in your daily life. In California, it is part of the law. California lawmakers passed a Good Samaritan Law to encourage bystanders to intervene to help others in emergencies. This law protects Good Samaritans from liability for providing emergency medical or nonmedical care… read more

What Happens If Another Party Denies Liability for Your Injury?

It is common for the other person involved in your accident to deny – or fail to admit – liability for your injuries. Insurance companies and lawyers warn their clients not to admit any fault while at the scene of an accident. This is a common tactic, therefore, seen during personal injury claims. As the… read more