How to Handle Rude Insurance Adjusters

When dealing with the aftermath of an accident, the last thing you need is a rude insurance adjuster. Yet, it is not uncommon to encounter adjusters who are less than courteous, adding stress to an already challenging situation. There is, however, some psychology behind an adjuster’s approach, and you can use that to your advantage. The best approach, however, is simply to allow your attorney to handle all interactions with your insurance adjuster.

The lawyers at Eric Ratinoff Law Corp. know how to assert your position aggressively yet diplomatically, and we will fight for you every step of the way.

Before you secure the help of a lawyer, however, the key is to stay calm, keep a record of all interactions with the rude adjuster, and potentially file a report with the insurance company. These are a few techniques that will help you resolve any issues you are experiencing during the claims process.

5 Tips for Handling Rude Insurance Adjusters

The following five tips may help in dealing with insurance adjusters during the claims process:

1. Stay Cautious in Your Interactions

Insurance adjusters often aim to minimize settlement amounts or avoid them entirely, sometimes using friendliness as a tactic to elicit statements that could weaken your claim. If an adjuster turns rude, it might indicate your cautious approach is effective. Maintain this stance by:

  • Staying calm
  • Refraining from discussing your health
  • Refraining from admitting fault
  • Declining requests for recorded statements

Remember, settling prematurely can leave you with inadequate compensation for your medical expenses, lost wages, and the true extent of your pain and suffering.

2. File a Complaint Against Unprofessional Behavior

If you encounter a rude adjuster, calmly establish your boundaries. Avoid retaliating with insults; instead, request their full name and ID number and contact the insurance company’s complaint department for further action. Inform them that you will be recording all future conversations.

3. Only Communicate With Adjusters When You Are Ready

You are not obliged to immediately respond to calls from insurance adjusters. They may try to capitalize on your vulnerability, especially if you are tired or on medication. Take your time in opening lines of communication.

4. Report the Rude Adjuster

If you find yourself continually struggling with your insurance adjuster, consider escalating the matter by requesting a conversation with their supervisor. Be aware that the adjuster probably has detailed notes and recordings of your interactions.

It is important to temper expectations when dealing with the adjuster’s supervisor. They oversee numerous adjusters, each handling a large volume of claims, so their response to your complaint might not be as empathetic as you would hope. Nevertheless, persistent complaints against an adjuster can lead to significant changes in how your case is handled.

Many are unaware that they have the right to request a reassignment of their claim to a different insurance adjuster. Insurance companies often reassign claims for various reasons, and asking for a change in adjuster is usually a straightforward process. These professionals typically work in close proximity, facilitating easy transfer of claims. However, note that if your request is granted, it is generally a one-time opportunity, as insurance companies are unlikely to accommodate repeated requests for reassignment.

5. Consider Legal Representation

Retaining a lawyer can be an effective way to avoid direct communication with rude adjusters. A highly qualified personal injury lawyer can handle all interactions on your behalf, protecting you from making any potentially damaging statements. Inform your lawyer about any negative encounters with adjusters, including any refusal to provide supervisor information and your attempts to resolve the issue. This information might be relevant to the pain and suffering component of your settlement.

Speak With the Personal Injury Lawyers at Eric Ratinoff Law Corp. Today

Navigating the aftermath of an accident is challenging enough without the added stress of dealing with aggressive insurance adjusters. By employing specific strategies, you can effectively address and put an end to any unprofessional conduct from adjusters. Speak with an experienced personal injury lawyer to handle insurance communications on your behalf.